ago basketball Edit

Locked In Elite Showcase Releases Girls Watch List

The Locked in Elite Showcase, developed and implemented by Brian Inge and Chris 'Letha Shooter' Matthews, is THE DMV based hoops camp, an event that combines both top girls and boys, learning skills and approaches to the game that will serve well going forward.

Recently issued was the showcase's Boys Watch List, a collection of guys who likely will be invited and attend. Click here for it.

Similar information, detailing girls invited and probably participating, follows below.

Be sure to check back for more coverage. Premium Court has some.

If you love high school hoops in the District - Maryland - Virginia area, be there on August 3rd!


SM Coordinates 

Follow these folks for everything Locked In Showcase related:

Brian Inge

X/Twitter -@TheRealDbotInge

IG.- @TheRealBDotInge

Chris Matthews

X/Twitter.- @LethalShooter

IG - @LethalShooter
