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Travel Team Tour: DC Premier 16u

Organization known to provide opportunities, has a 16u crew seizing them!

DCP's 16u unite, lead by HC Kenny Wills (right] qne Director Damon Handon (middle) approaches the game collaboratively.
DCP's 16u unite, lead by HC Kenny Wills (right] qne Director Damon Handon (middle) approaches the game collaboratively.

Some organizations in the national level travel team space are takers, groups of people who field teams, play games, get accolades. Of course individuals benefit - players and coaches - from the success generated.

And there are some who do that, and much more. Organizations that take chances on coaches, players, providing them chances to grow and achieve. DC Premier is one.

DC Premier 16u head coach Kenny Wills can personally attest to being giving a chance. And has lived that life - helping kids and adults, a "Long time now" said Wills of how long he's coached travel team hoops. He started with Premier, "took time to raise my kids", before returning around eight years ago with the younger ages. He's risen, and now leads the organization's next to oldest team, one that plays on the national level platform Under Armour Association.

What's his personal emphasis in coaching?

"Actually, i demand that we play hard, that we compete. You know what I mean?" responded Wills, a guy that gets his point across intelligently and accurately. "Of course defense leads to offense but offense leads to defense. So if you're competing, good things seem to happen for you".

A recent practice revealed that; Wills and his staff pushed their young charges, demanding energy, effort and focus. The session, which pitted Premier's 16u vs 17u crews was a treat to watch.

Wills on the importance of mentoring, not just coaching young men: "That's what i care more about. Fortunately we have talent, so we're going to win a lot basketball games...But it's more important for me to get them understand about being a man and how to conduct and go about your business as a man".

Want to see Wills' interview, where he discussed opportunities, mentoring young men, a few of his players and more? It follows.

Premium Court has still more on DCP and it's 16u outfit.

Several Players To Watch

Geo Sanford - 6'3", 175 pound 2025 G/F, E. Roosevelt (MD) - Wills cited his athleticism, before gushing "the thing I love about the young fella, is that he plays hard" and is coachable, as "He's going to do what you tell him to do. Ultimate guy to have on the team".

Sanford slashes well, finishes, defends and competes. His outside game is passable yet continuing to develop.

He admitted his father, Bruce Shingler, a former D1 assistant coach as several stops who coaches Premier's 17u outfit, is more well versed in his recruitment, since "i don't pay any mind to that" at this point, choosing to focus on improvement.

Boston College, Notre Dame and others have sniffed.

Kamari Pointer - 6'o", 160 lb 2025 PG, T. Roosevelt (DC) - Think all around guard who can run a show when pondering Pointer. As Wills noted, "We have a very athletic team. he actually brings what we need...kinda run the show and get these athletes under control".

Pointer also applies ball pressure and loves to get his feet in the lane. Strong and aggressive, Pointer has the chops to be a true player.

Liberty has offered him a scholarship, while American, UNC Wilmington and Towson have shown interest.

Emmanuel Kanga - 6'9", 210 pound 2025 F, Carroll (DC) - Wills dubbed Kanga "different", as he's a "really special player", one that "works hard" is athletic, leading the coach to sum "There's nothing he can't do".

That would be rebound, score around the tin, hit spot up threes, defend, reject shots, drive and initiate fast breaks. Wills is accurate in his develop summary of Kanga, noting "Learning the game is the biggest thing".

Having arrived stateside midway through the past school year, Kanga, a native of Gabon, West Africa is new to the recruiting scene. Best believe pursuing recruiters will produce a list of possible suitors, soon.

Click here for extras on him, like his immigration to America {Georgetown-adjacent connection) plus some mechanics behind it and Kanga the player.

Emmanuel Kanga will be hotly recxruited.
Emmanuel Kanga will be hotly recxruited. (