basketball Edit

This and That: Green Bay at G'Town '22

Following relate to Georgetown's 92-58 dismantling of Wisconsin - Green Bay.

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Keep It Moving

During first half action, Green Bay's offensive was fairly impressive, helping position the Phoenix just two points behind Georgetown at intermission. Important in this was movement.

Specifically ball and people movement. Particularly weak side.

"Well you know, we talked about our game plan. We wanted to be aggressive, but not overly aggressive" revealed Hoya head coach Pat Ewing of his halftime counsel, "where we're getting beat back door. We got beat back door i think three or four times in the first half.

"We made the adjustment in the second half, and they weren't able to get as many of them, get any of them, in the second half".

Summing he noted "The guys stuck to the game plan. They played hard, they played well, and i was very pleased with the outcome". He also believed his team had a "great second half".

Sticking to those defensive marching orders, in part, helped Ewing's guys limit the Phoneix to 38.46% from the field, a decrease from first half play. Georgetown's onslaught began, witnessed them more than doubling the Phoenix' second half scoring (61-29).

Green Bay's coach, Will Ryan, on what happened: "First half, we did some really good things. Ran some good stuff, Guys made good decisions with the basketball for the most part".

He then went on to ratify Ewing's take, saying ""We caught them in some areas. We took advantage of that, and capitalized, for the most part".

"Second half" continued Ryan, "they cleaned some stuff up, got into us a little bit. Were more aggressive, took us out of things we had done in the first half". He went on to share youth and inexperience played a role in Green Bay's lack of response.


Brandon Murray strapping up in second half play.
Brandon Murray strapping up in second half play. (


Ewing on a comparison to last year

"First of all, on last year our mantra this year is 'Purge'. Last year was last year. We had to make significant changes with both our staff and personnel. As head of Georgetown Basketball i take responsibility for last year.

"But now it's all about these kids, this year".

Ewing on Brandon Murray

"This kid right here, he makes ALL the right plays. He makes all the right passes. He gets on my nerves from time to time (chuckle), but he does make All the right plays.

Murray, who garnered the Georgetown Hoya of the Game champion belt for his play, put up 19 points, four rebounds, seven assists and a single turnover over the course of 32 minutes.

Murray on whether he would rock his hard earned belt around campus

"it's just for a day. It's not like i need to keep this for a couple of days or anything. It's just for this one time".

Ewing providing clarity on Murray not wanting to sport the belt

"He doesn't want to mess his swag up...He's always swagged out. That belt is going to clash with his outfit".

Ewing on tamping down cough ups

Yes I'm very pleased we had 10 turnovers at halftime...we ended with 11. They did a much better job of taking care of the ball".

What did sophomore Jordan Riley give Georgetown?

Per Ewing, "I thought Jordan did a fine job. He's a kid that's extremely athletic. I think people will continue to see how athletic he is".

11 points on 5-8 from the field, 1-2 on long balls, plus six caroms, in exactly half the game's minutes (20)

Ewing also talked about another reserve perimeter guy, junior Wayne Bristol

"I also think Wayne Bristol did a great job for us tonight".

Bristol, a reserve wing, contributed nine points on 3-3 from three point land, three boards, two helpers and a pair of dimes. That work was over 15 minutes.

Center Qudus Wahab on the process of learning teammates

"I think just from practice every day. Practice and games"

How Wahab avoided foul trouble

Yeah, I didn't want to get three fouls in five minutes (chuckle). So i played smarter today", said the senior center. That led to 18 points, seven rebounds and a single ref whistle, in 22 minutes.

Wahab on developing his left hand going over the right shoulder out of post-ups

I've been working on it all summer..I feel like I'm just going to keep working on it...keep trusting it.
