ago basketball Edit

SM Report: Super E on Iverson Classic

Social media is both boon and curse, amplifying messages and information accurately and incorrectly, elevating voices both positive and negative. Literally it's a double-edged sword.

One plus in the Hoya Hoops social media space is Eric Rogers, he of Twitter's @SuperEricRogers and Instagram's @SuperEricRogers.

Not just a fan with rooting interests in his home, Tidewater, Virginia area, Rogers or 'Super E' routinely travels broadly, including landing everywhere from New York to North Carolina to take in contests. Add an impressive knowledge of roundball and willingness to honestly discuss the game. He's no fan boy guy; Rogers is a basketball expert with rooting interests, one that also embraces reality.

A friend of HoyaRe;, Rogers, on tap for Thursday's 24k Game game, a part of this year's Allen iverson Classic All American event, graciously agreed to supply content. It's presented in total, on Premium Court.

Below are a few of his Twitter/X posts, the medium he used to share his impromptu and excellent coverage. Some even reference incoming Georgetown freshmen Thomas Sorber and Kayvaun Mulready.

Enjoy, and be sure to plug into Eric 'Super E' Rogers going forward! You will be better for it.

Partial Grouping of Super E's Work

Allen Iverson still moves the crowd!
Allen Iverson still moves the crowd! (Eric Rogers)
Hoya Cam Bacote, repping the program in his hometown area.
Hoya Cam Bacote, repping the program in his hometown area. (Eric Rogers)