basketball Edit

Summer Practice Notes: 7.16.24

Georgetown's summer practices continue to evidence growth, with guys emerging. It's still really early, yet attending these sessions gives one a measure of just where the team is currently, and where it MAY go.

With that in mind, below are excerpts of voices and happenings experienced during the two hour session. The full offering and more are over on Premium Cour!. A vigorous discussion of possible starters is also there.

Defensive shell work forcusing on gap, connectiveness, communication:

it's a string connecting you and him

---Cooley defining what 'on a string means

'We spread our arms we should be able to cover a lot of ground. Make sure we do that.

---Cooley on setting big defensively

If we communicate we will be 5 to 10% better on defense. Just talk. Heck sing. I don't care if its Luthet Vandross!

---Cooley stressing communication

Curtis Williams straps up Austin Montgomery, while AC Ladontae Henton looks on.
Curtis Williams straps up Austin Montgomery, while AC Ladontae Henton looks on. (ron bailey)

During 3 man shell defense work

We have to talk on the interchange

---Sophomore F Jordan Burks

One of the best defenders in America (grad F Micah Peavy), who do you want on the floor with you?


These two right here,

---Peavy identifying who was already out there with him Burks and sophomore big Drew Fielder.

Exclusive Shots

Following are shots only found here! Enjoy!
