Reprinted with permission from Former G'Town standout Mark Tillmon is spearheading this event. Click here for a large version of the schedule below.
January 15, 2014 - When Mark Tillmon put the MLK Hoopfest Showcase into motion three years ago, it was full of promise; merging life skill development with excellent high school hoops. It's continued along those admirable lines, but morphed into much more, a three day educational/athletic extravaganza during Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday weekend.
Scheduled for January 18th- 20th at Coolidge High School, 28 teams will line up and play over the three days. Those participating are not just District-Maryland-Virginia programs, as schools from Baltimore, North Carolina, South Carolina, Canada, West Virginia, Philly and Canada will also line up.
Cost is $40 for a three day pass or 15 bucks per day. Students aged six to 18 will be charged $20 for the entire package, $8 daily.
The top flight basketball is not the MLK Hoopfest Showcase's primary calling card, education is. Sponsored by the Shooting Straight Program, an organization's whose mission is to "empower children in the community by providing them the tools to obtain financial skills, life skills, and lessons that address their educational, health, and social needs for personal success".
Addressing that mention are amongst other things workshops run concurrently with the Showcase, sessions based on financial literacy, life skills and career exploration.
SSP touches young people not participating in the MLK Hoopfest Showcase, the mechanism being scholarships.
For more information on all the MLK Hoopfest Showcase and Shooting Straight program, visit
The MLK Hoopfest Showcase is a must see and support, DMV event!