Published Oct 27, 2022
Media Day: 2022-23 Brandon Murray
Ron Bailey  •  HoyaReport

Being the most celebrated member of Georgetown's program, Brandon Murray has been a prime point of Hoya Nation interest. Transferring from LSU this year, Murray averaged 10 points, three rebounds, 1.9 assists per game in Baton Rouge during '21-22, his freshman year. That work landed him on the SEC's All-Freshman team.

Yesterday was media's first chance at interviewing Murray as a Hoyas. The segment below was captured during G'Town's Media Day festivities. In it, Murray, a 6'4", 210 pound sophomore guard hailing from nearby Baltimore, MD, discussed his weight loss - a process that he's engaged in since high school - and preparedness for leadership.

Head over to Premium Court for discussion and more!

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