basketball Edit

A Look at DC Live '24

Omari Witherspoon of SJC (DC) on the attack.
Omari Witherspoon of SJC (DC) on the attack. (ron bailey)

DC Live has officially made a name for itself. Hosted by the DC State Athletic Association, held at Sidwell Friends (DC) this year, DC Live marries college coaches, high school teams and fans in a comfortable, laid back confab in which players can be seriously analyzed. It feels like a positive case study in HOW to present these June events.

Following is a grab bag of coverage, utilizing writing, video and tweets. Premium Court has still more. Enjoy!

Hoya Adjacent


The following guys have been offered/getting looks via Georgetown, led by HC Ed Cooley

Jayln Collingwood - 6'6", Class of 2026 wing, Sidwell Fiends (DC) - Owning offers from "Loyola, Louisville, GW, Norfolk State", while Georgetown, Xavier and Ok State, among others have shown interest. What they see is a long, bouncy guy who plays hard and owns nearly a 4.0 GPA.

Previous Hoya-centric coverage:

Acaden Lewis - Visit From Lewis? ($)

Nyk Lewis - From DC Live ($)

Omari Witherspoon - Witherspoon is Wowing Them ($)

A Number of Guys

Devin Toatley - 6'0 '26 PG, St. John's (DC) - Willing and able to find folks, Toatley also constantly pressures the paint and ball.

Aiden Pratt - 6'1", '27 G, Hayfield (VA) - A reserve guy who has earned significant minutes as he's demonstrated he can play with older, more experienced players. Competes, passes, rebounds and will look to score. In a loss to Friendship Tech Prep, had six points and two rebounds in 10 minutes.

Micah Polk - 5'7" '26 Friendship Tech Prep (DC) PG - A pass first, speedy performer who always looks to find. Will finish.

Antonio Reed - 5'8", '27 Banneker (DC) PG - Reed loves to strap up, causing foes problems. Is competitive.

Rico Zeno - 6'2" '26 Mckinley Tech (DC) PG - Possessing slick dribble moves, Zeno is always a threat to advance the ball.

Flynn Rillston - 6'6", '25 F, Cardozo (DC) - A board clearner, Rillson is relentless in the paint snagging caroms and challenging shots. This native Kiwi (New Zealnder) scores inside pant with footwork and skill.

Jalen Rougier-Roane, '6'4", '25 Sidwell Friends (DC) G - A recent Canadian Basketball alum, Rougier-Roane is not only playing at a high level - scoring, defending, finishing, competing - but has a high level of confidence and is in a good space, physically.


Dye Sporting Network, per usual, documented game proceedings, excellently.

Inner Team Looks

Tweet Locker 
