ago football Edit

Scott's Sweepstakes Speeding Ahead

Jordan Scott is cooking among college coaches
Jordan Scott is cooking among college coaches (ron bailey)

When last examined, Class of 2025 guard/wing Jordan Scott was what could be described as a Michigan State lean. Preceding Hoya HC Ed Cooley, MSU head coach Tom Izzo and an assistant met with Scott for lunch at his South Lakes (VA) high school, while the Spartans recruited him hard and pushed for a commitment. Seeing Scott, a 6'6" multi skilled performer in dark green and white for college seemed a near given.

Not. So. Fast.

During open period, travel team sessions, Division I coaches both head and assistant have flocked to Scott's VA Elite games (Maryland, who reportedly will get a visit), some even offering scholarships (Georgia Tech), while others just joined the Scott train (LSU). He's one of the hottest recruiting properties around now, proven throughout last weekend's Under Armour Association confab.

What's the deal, the dynamics seemingly driving this change? Jet over to Premium Court for that and more, including whether G'Town is in the process. !

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